Since the foundation of the congregation in 1851 in Dernbach, we have dedicated ourselves to proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ to the people by means of “Example, Teaching and Prayer” (The Blessed Mary Catherine) and through service of love.
- Our areas of service:
- Social and charity
- Pedagogic
- Mission of service
Irrespective of the ethnic group, its social situation or religious affiliation.
Place of Pilgrimage
Dernbach and its surroundings are places of pilgrimage for the Poor Handmaids and lay members of “Catherine’s family” who wish to visit the special places in the life of our foundress.
- Some points in the pilgrimage include:
- The Heilborn Chapel where Mary Catherine prayed frequently to the Virgin
- The chapel in the general Motherhouse where Blessed Mary Catherine’s relics are found
- The 2 kilometer walk to the Parish in Wirges where she was baptized
- The cathedral in Limburg, where she walked the 23 kilometers numerous times to see Bishop Blum
For more information, please visit the Arme Dienstmägde Jesu Christi website at dernbacher.de.